Full / Half Day Sales & Marketing Intensive
One - One
Learn to market your business.
Brilliant things happen on my Intensives. Brands are born, launch plans get hatched, and strategies get nailed down.
After four/eight hours of brainstorming, strategising, and building customer connections you’ll walk away from our session with a smile on your face and your very own blueprint for success in your bag.
One day intensives are ideal for entrepreneurs who are already familiar with how to implement the tactical elements of their sales and marketing strategy, but need a little more help with working out a schedule or what needs to be done, and when.
Email me for more information:
- What our clients say -

The only way to describe Emma is a pure marketing genius (and I don’t say that lightly). Her fresh approach to marketing has given me so many unique ways to market my online course, which I feel is so important with the amount of overused/recycled ideas that never seem to deliver results.
I highly recommend her to anyone struggling with marketing in their business and looking for clear, actionable and easy to follow steps". www.jessicacatorc.com