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Emma D Marketing

We specialize in helping you understand how to effectively market your business for your target market.

4 Simple Reasons Customers buy from YOU

1. A customers own self-image:  A customer’s perception of their own self image, will play a huge part in what that person buys for themselves. For example some people see themselves as being or are affluent / want others to perceive they are affluent. This image can easily be contrived by wearing / buying well known brands, that are deemed to be high end, 

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Do you worry over what you should charge?

Pricing is one of the age old challenges to be found in business today. There are two streams of thought one is where your customers are extremely price sensitive and your pricing needs to be low. This works really well for companies like Walmart in the United States and Lidl a German low cost super chain in Europe for example, however the buying

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5 Key Marketing Lessons from Cadbury’s

  If you don’t have time to watch the video or prefer to read, here are the main lessons to apply from cadbury’s changed marketing communications message: Always be aware of your customer’s Adapt to trends in society, in this example people are nowadays are looking for experiences, not just chocolate! or any other product or service Help your customers

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Is your business marketing driven?

Are you focused on your business as a business? (category one) OR are you focused on marketing and ultimately driving sales? (category two) The vast majority of business owners I meet fall into one or other category. In category one where the business owner focuses ONLY on the business as an entity, how it is run etc, will quickly or

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