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Emma D Marketing

We specialize in helping you understand how to effectively market your business for your target market.

Do You Understand Your Sales Funnel?

Sales funnel is a term I hear bandied about by clients & other entrepreneurs alike and yet few seem to understand what it means! With this in mind I have endeavoured to demystify what it means to have even the basics right when you Β analyze your sales funnel. Random People – Know nothing about you! Lead – Know something about

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Top Business Lessons From 2015

  Clarity & having an excellent marketing plan are a must: As business owners we all need to be crystal clear on the purpose and vision for OUR businesses. Once you have decided on your overall vision for the business, you can set about creating a rounded marketing strategy that will help you to achieve your business vision and goals.

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How Saying No Helped My Business!

There comes a time in the life of all business owners, that you have to start learning to say No! Yes, that big fat no that upsets others, makes you think that you are losing out on opportunities and ultimately makes you feel uncomfortable on many levels! However, saying NO is critical in helping YOU stay on YOUR path towards

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10 Customer Behaviours that influence their buying habits

The question all Entrepreneurs and business owners need to ask themselves is: do you actually KNOW what influences YOUR customers Β buying decisions? Marketing research and my experience as a marketing consultant suggests that many business owners focus on the operational and financial aspects of their business and sometimes neglect to spend an equal amount of time actually understanding their customers

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Traditional V’s Online Marketing

On the business and marketing front, we are coming into the final quarter and for many of you, you will be ramping up your sales funnels through a variety of marketing activities. Today, I am going to discuss Traditional versus Online marketing, with a view to helping you decide what combination works best for YOU and YOUR Business. Many business

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Understand & Connect with your Ideal Client

  Traditionally there was a huge focus on the functional capability of a product or service, very often no attention was given to the social meanings people perceive in different products or services. In today’s world consumers are continuously evaluating products not just in terms of what they can do, but also in terms of what they mean for them

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